Policy Governance
Principles of Policy Governance
The Board will govern lawfully, observing Policy Governance principles, with anemphasis on (a) outward vision rather than internal preoccupation, (b) encouragement of
diversity in viewpoints, (c) strategic leadership more than administrative detail, (d) clear
distinction of Board and Head of School roles, (e) collective rather than individual
decisions, (f) future rather than past or present, and (g) governing proactively rather than
1. The Board will cultivate a sense of group responsibility. The Board, not the staff,
will be responsible for excellence in governing. The Board will be the primary
initiator of governing policy.
2. The Board may use the expertise of individual members to enhance the Board’s
understanding of issues, but will not substitute such expertise for the judgment of
the Board.
3. The Board will direct, control and inspire the organization through the careful
establishment of broad written policies reflecting the Board’s values and
perspectives. The Board’s major focus will be on the achievement of intended long-
term impacts outside the organization, not on the administrative or programmatic
term impacts outside the organization, not on the administrative or programmatic
means of attaining those effects.
4. The Board will enforce upon itself whatever discipline is needed to govern with
excellence. Discipline will apply to matters such as attendance, preparation for
meetings, policymaking principles, respect of roles, adherence to board standards of
conduct, and ensuring the continual development of governance capability.
Discipline of a board director may occur when that director violates reasonable
standards of conduct, whether or not the misconduct occurs in the performance of
their duties as a board director. This discipline will occur in accordance to the
Board Bylaws.
a) Continual Board development will include orientation of new or potential
Board members in the Board's governance process and periodic Board
discussion of process improvement.
5. Although the Board can change its governing policies, it will conscientiously
observe those currently in effect.
6. All policies of the Board are contained in this document, and they remain in effect,
unless amended or deleted by Board action.
unless amended or deleted by Board action.
7. The Board will not allow any Board director, Board committee, employee of the
school or member of the public to prevent the Board from fulfilling its duties and
8. The Board will monitor and assess its process and performance at the completion
of each meeting. Self-monitoring will include comparison of Board activity and
discipline to Governance Process and Board-Management Delegation policies.
9. The Board’s activities, with the exception of personnel or other matters of a
sensitive nature, shall be open and accessible to reasonable scrutiny by its “owners.”
10. The organization, in its hiring and other activities, in compliance with Titles VI &
VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in
Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Genetic
Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, and Colorado law, School District 27J
does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national
origin, ancestry, creed, age, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information,
disability or need for special education services in admissions, access to, treatment,
or employment in educational programs or activities which it operates and provides
equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. A lack of English
language skills will not be a barrier to participation or admission.