Mission Statement / Vision Statement » Vision / Mission / Core Values / Why

Vision / Mission / Core Values / Why

Vision Statement 

It is the vision of Eagle Ridge Academy to join students, parents, educators and the community to produce an educational environment that nurtures, excites and motivates students to learn. Eagle Ridge empowers students to become independent and responsible thinkers, fosters academic and moral excellence, promotes creativity and encourages students to seek out higher education opportunities.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of Eagle Ridge Academy to inspire individuals to learn masterfully and thrive in a welcoming, safe environment.

We accomplish our mission through our

 Core Values

We Warriors, We …

Are One

We welcome all to be Warriors; We rise by lifting each other.

Respect All

We honor the individuality, rights, feelings, and wishes of everyone.

Practice Excellence

We do what we love; We love what we do.

Have Fun

We strive to make every day exciting, compelling, joyful, and full of camaraderie. 

Organizational “WHY”

“To foster an inclusive environment so that students become high-achieving,  life-long learners.”